Our nominated Charity this year is :-
July 22, 2024
Our nominated Charity this year is :-
Guide Dogs for the blind association Swansea
We are proud to be sponsoring a puppy for the guide dog’s blind association in Swansea our local area.
They touched our hearts after seeing a programme relating to how much it costs to train and look after a puppy until they find a suitable home and lifelong partner.
At our Christmas party we all got together to choose a suitable name and came up with the name Albie as our company’s logo is an Albatross. Albie was then born on 20th December 2023 and is now in his foster home for the first year learning the basic skills needed to become a guide dog, before going off to puppy training school to complete his training.
This life changing puppy is going to be an essential part of someone future which we are delighted to be a part of. We will be fundraising for this charity throughout the year.
What a well worth charity to be involved in and we hope you will help us fundraise and help someone in need of a guide dog.