Vitality Life and Health Insurance benefits
January 3, 2018
Is 2018 the year that you want to challenge yourself to achieve an active and healthy lifestyle? - Vitality health and life insurance offer member benefits which help support and promote a healthy lifestyle.
Members are offered varying discounts including up to 50% off of David Lloyd, Virgin Active and Nuffield health clubs and benefit from no joining fee if you join by 28th February 2018.
Members can also benefit from an Apple watch from as little as £29 depending on their activity levels. The more active you are, the less you pay.
If you are looking to lose weight then members can further benefit from 6 months of Weight Watchers membership from only £30. Or why not try to eat healthier with up to 25% off food orders up to £100 per month when shopping with Ocado.
Further benefits include:
Cinema ticket every week based on activity levels
Free Starbucks drink every week based on activity level
Up to 50% off Sweat Shop clothing
Up to £25 off of toiletries at Lloyds pharmacy every month
Half price bike from Evans Cycles
75% off Champneys Health Resort and Spa and pamper experience which can be used up to 3 times per year
Vitality offer 5 star Defaqto award winning health and life insurance and policies start from as little as £1.15 per day. Pop into the office or contact us on: 01639 646464 to find out more and get a quote.